Manipur Judiciary Examination: Ultimate Guide


Manipur Judiciary Exam syllabus encompasses key areas of Indian law including the Constitution, Civil and Criminal Procedure Codes, Indian Penal Code, Evidence Act, Transfer of Property Act, Contract Law, Family Law, and various other legal statutes. Candidates are evaluated on their understanding of these subjects to qualify for the role of Civil Judge within the Manipur judicial system.



Constitution of India:

  • Preamble
  • Parts, Articles, and Schedules
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Directive Principles of State Policy
  • Fundamental Duties
  • Amendment Procedure
  • Basic Structure of the Constitution

Code of Civil Procedure:

  • Jurisdiction of Civil Courts
  • Res Sub Judice
  • Res Judicata
  • Principles of Res Judicata
  • Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) in detail

Code of Criminal Procedure:

  • Investigation of Crime
  • Arrest of Accused
  • Warrant Cases
  • Summons Cases
  • Anticipatory Bail
  • Sessions Trials
  • Bail
  • Provisions for Maintenance
  • Appeal, Reference, and Revision

Law of Transfer of Property Act:

  • Sale, Mortgage, Lease, Exchange, and Gift
  • Specific Performance of Contracts
  • Doctrine of Lis Pendens

Law of Contract:

  • Elements of a Valid Contract
  • Void Agreements
  • Performance of Contracts
  • Breach of Contract and Remedies

Law of Torts:

  • General Principles
  • Vicarious Liability
  • Strict Liability
  • Nuisance
  • Defamation

Family Law:

  • Hindu Law
  • Muslim Law
  • Christian Law

Limitation Act:

  • Principles of Limitation
    Computation of Periods of Limitation
  • Nature of Relief
  • Specific Relief
  • Injunction

Court Fees Act:

  • Types of Court Fees
  • Mode of Payment

Cyber Law:

  • Information Technology Act
  • Cyber Crimes and Punishments


In conclusion, Manipur Judiciary Exam syllabus covers a comprehensive range of legal topics vital for aspiring Civil Judges. Mastery of constitutional law, civil and criminal procedures, evidence, and various substantive laws is essential. Candidates must dedicate focused study to each subject area to excel in this rigorous examination, ensuring they possess the requisite knowledge and understanding to serve effectively in the Manipur judiciary.

To know more about the Syllabus: CLICK HERE

For more exams: CLICK HERE

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