Gujarat State Judiciary Exam syllabus: Ultimate Exam Guide


The Gujarat State Judiciary Exam syllabus typically includes topics such as the Constitution of India, Code of Civil Procedure, Code of Criminal Procedure, Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act, specific laws, Gujarat laws, general knowledge, language skills, and writing skills. It covers various legal subjects and procedural aspects along with general awareness and language proficiency, aiming to assess candidates’ suitability for judicial roles in the state judiciary.


The syllabus for the Gujarat State Judiciary Exam. However, it’s important to note that the syllabus might vary over time and it’s always a good idea to consult the official sources for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Typically, the syllabus covers various topics related to law, including:

  1. Constitution of India: This section might cover topics such as fundamental rights, directive principles of state policy, fundamental duties, the structure of the Constitution, etc.
  2. Code of Civil Procedure (CPC): This includes the procedural aspects of civil litigation, such as jurisdiction of civil courts, pleadings, execution of decrees, etc.
  3. Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC): This covers the procedural aspects of criminal law, including investigation, trial, bail, sentencing, etc.
  4. Indian Penal Code (IPC): This section typically covers various offenses defined under the IPC, such as theft, murder, rape, etc., along with general principles of criminal liability.
  5. Indian Evidence Act: This section focuses on the law of evidence, including types of evidence, relevancy, admissibility, etc.
  6. Specific Laws: Depending on the exam pattern, there might be questions on specific laws such as the Indian Contract Act, the Transfer of Property Act, the Negotiable Instruments Act, etc.
  7. Gujarat Laws: There might be questions specific to laws applicable in the state of Gujarat, such as the Gujarat Land Revenue Code, Gujarat Municipalities Act, etc.
  8. General Knowledge: This section may include questions on current affairs, history, geography, etc., to assess the candidate’s awareness.
  9. Language Skills: This may involve questions to test the candidate’s proficiency in English and Gujarati languages.
  10. Writing Skills: Some exams may include a section to assess the candidate’s writing abilities, such as drafting of legal documents, judgments, etc.


In conclusion, the Gujarat State Judiciary Exam syllabus encompasses a comprehensive range of legal subjects, procedural laws, and general knowledge topics essential for aspiring judicial officers. With a focus on both substantive and procedural aspects of law, along with language proficiency and writing skills, the syllabus aims to thoroughly evaluate candidates’ readiness for judicial responsibilities within the state judiciary system.

For the Detailed Syllabus: CLICK HERE

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